Where in the World is Tim Lauer

Where in the World is Tim Lauer
Where Tim is in the States

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Emptying the House

Well, today we emptied my house. the only thing in my room is a cot which i am sleeping on for tonight. As for my living room and dining room, nothing. my couch, my TV, my arm chairs, my dining table and chairs. gone. and my family room, which has been the center of countless sleepovers for like 6 years is empty. all there is is the desktop all tangled in wires.

I decided that i could either email my little updates or I could blog them whenever, so i picked blogging cause its easier. I will continually update, and write what I do and where I go. As for today I will be laying on my cot for most of the day watching Youtube, TV online (as i don't own any), and playing WoW. I'm hoping that i will be able to milk a cell phone about of my parents and be able to text all of you. so, ill ttyl and keep posting.